Day 4 – Lovely Day

Left La Gi and decided to change strategies towards enjoying the journey rather than the destination so we added a 100 km on the trip by taking the back roads along the beach rather than highway one which is more of a direct route to Da Nang where the tunnels are / also Hoi an and Hue. The side roads are just more relaxing, every three minutes kids are saying hi, and people are inviting us for water / food…..its lovely.

It was much easier physically than the previous day (don’t think any day will compare with yesterday 🙂 ).

Rode mostly on side streets on the coast through beautiful sceneries. It a bit of a catch 22 as we rode during the night where the temparture was great vs the heat of the day but you couldn’t see a damn thing. We had a hard time with the wind as it was so strong every 10 km felt like 30 km……..

Picture below shows the stuff we got rid of to save kgs to carry – got rid of a good bit of cloth and some other odds and ins.

It was Easter today here in Vietnam (an ex French colony) so we stopped by this beautiful church for a picture. Speaking of Vietnam being a French colony they eat every thing in baguettes …. so funny having a baguette with noodles, some sort of meats (who knows what :), sauces, and others….I love it / Manal is a bit worried about the dog content whenever there is a funny looking meat that doesn’t look like chicken 🙂

Great seafood we are enjoying along the coast.

yalla good night



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